Arts Award can map to activities and projects in any art form.
How have you linked your creative projects to the Arts Award framework and built evidence collection into activities?
Arts Award can map to activities and projects in any art form.
How have you linked your creative projects to the Arts Award framework and built evidence collection into activities?
I built an Arts Award programme around British Art Show 7, which is a national touring exhibition of contemporary art that happens every 5 years in the UK. It opened in Nottingham in October 2010 and we worked with a group of 10 young people during half term.
The British Art Show was the stimulus for every part of the award. For Part A, they learnt about contemporary art and worked with two artists: An animator and an installation artist to work in art forms that were new to them. For Part B, they visited the three galleries that were showing work from the British Art Show and reviewed those. For Part C, they chose a hero they admired and Part D, they chose a skill to share or planned an art workshop to lead.
A case study is available online for this project. Please contact me by email:
It sounds like your project worked really well, Frances. Were there any particular areas of Arts Award that you felt really benefited from the links with British Arts Show 7? If you linked your programme with the exhibition again, is there anything you'd do differently?
Would be great to hear about other examples - they can be internally run projects or external ones....
Hi Jodie,
In terms of areas that benefitted from the link to British Art Show for the Bronze Award were Part A - as young people researched contemporary art and improved their skills by taking part in contemporary artforms such as Animation and Installation art. And of course Part B - as the young people could review the British Art Show.
I am actually in the middle of planning another Bronze Arts Award programme around an exhibition which will be the Anish Kapoor exhibition which has just arrived at Nottingham Castle. We are going to base a week programme for February half term around sculpture, where we spend a day looking at the exhibition and the mineral collection at nearby Wollaton Hall.
I'll let you know how it goes!