Planning your project

suitable project topics?

Picture of Forum Guest
suitable project topics?
by Forum Guest - Tuesday, 6 October 2015, 2:10 PM

Hello, I have a Silver candidate who wants to do vlogging (video blogging) as her challenge, and also look into becoming a makeup artist. Would you say these are "arts" activities? She will focus on the artistic side of the makeup - eg themed and face painting style makeup. I'm not really sure about the vlogging though. Any thoughts anyone?


Chloe Chewter

Place Bedford

Jodie, Arts Award Support
Re: suitable project topics?
by Jodie Abrahams, Arts Award Support - Thursday, 5 November 2015, 10:24 AM

Hi Chloe,

Theatrical make up would certainly count as an art form, just encourage the young person to set herself a specific and measurable challenge to work towards. She could use the vlog to provide ongoing evidence of her progress towards meeting the challenge. The actual production of a vlog could also count as an arts challenge, if she focused on creative production skills and content - you would need to supervise this to ensure that she was meeting the criteria for the arts challenge.

Creating and promoting a vlog to share her theatrical make up skills might actually be better suited to a Unit 2 arts leadership project. 

I'd recommend discussing these options with the young person and consulting your adviser toolkit to decide on the best way forward. 

Best wishes,

Jodie, Arts Award Support Team.